Fluidification Bag Filling Machine
EVAL_2 Fluidification Bag Filling Machine is designed for weighing/bagging
products of difficult manipulation, powders and fine granulated.
The EVAL_2 main characteristics are:
Accurate Weighing.
Reduced Dust Emission.
Well Finish for the Full Bag.
Easy and economical full automation (Bag Placers, Bag Closure, ...).
The joint of fluidification/uperpress allows a treatment of the product
with sweetness and without any deterioration.
The design of the machine allows an easy cleaning of the parts in contact
with the product.
The uperpress compact the product and allows a bag sizes saving.
Well finish for the full bag.
Our throw out system for full bags allows a perfect pelletizing and bag
Depending on the products are possible to do bagging
rates of 500 bags/hour.
Standard Weighing range is for 20 to 50 Kg.
The EVAL_2 Bagging Machine is specially engineered and designed
for bagging products of high cost in the market:
Corn starch
Wheat flour
PVC powders
Cements mortars
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